Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Day 2!!!

The main reason for starting this blog is so that I can follow elder son on his journey across the USA and add helpful father style comments!!! So far he is doing great and - he is cycling, by the way - managed to get to the start line on the west coast in one piece. Strange how we see distant places as somehow dangerous. After all people have lived there for a long time!!


Stuart said...
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Stuart said...

I will read "The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son" forthwith; or when I get home rather.

Sorry we couldn't do the US ride together, perhaps we can manage a week next year. Of course we will have to work it in around the sailing somehow...

Lots of love, Stuart.

Stuart said...

So when were you in the US then? I am full of curiosity. I must admit that I am rather taking to it here. At the same time it is, strangely enough, making me appreciate some of the things about Europe which I have taken for granted. I will have to think and reflect and such before I blog on that topic. Of course I have not really been around Europe - must rectify that when I get back.

Lots of love, Stuart.

Stuart said...

You have gone quite I see. I'll be back from the collonies day after tomorrow.

I'll try to come up with Rosa for a few days if you would like.

Take it easy and lots of love, Stuart.