Well, the year is moving along and the fine weather is coming back - it is nice not to be going to and fro from my place of work in the dark! That is the first part of the title of this episode sorted; the next bit is the fulfilment of a long anticipated dream.
I love wine - not in excess I hasten to add - but for some time I have been planning to start a vinyard. This is the year to actual commit the deed. So the land is prepared - well almost(see picture) and the first batch of vines are ordered. I have ordered Solaris and Pinot Noir. For this first year I only have 10 of each variety coming. However if we get on together I will order more for next year. Eventually there should be about 1000 vines! The ultimate retirement pursuit.
The site I have chosen is south facing, chalk subsoil sna on a well drained slope. The main challenge is elevation, which is about 250 feet above sea level and shelter; we do get some really cold easterlies here.